Not a Mac

My new computer arrived this week! I can now download my new software, set up my desk, and give Touchable Design a proper home.

This is a big step, guys. A computer with the capabilities I need is not cheap. And I’m not one of those graphic designers who leans into the ever-changing intricacies of the required tech. I went into this purchase not even sure what I should buy.

I have enough experience to understand that design does not equal mac anymore. In the interest of economical maintenance and limitless customization, I decided PC was the way to go. Experience has also taught me that a publication designer needs a large screen more than portability.

So, I knew I wanted a tower PC with a large monitor. The only other thing I knew was that I wanted to have it soon!

Fortunately, I have a friend who manages the local University tech store. I emailed him to get his opinion on the computer and peripherals that two hours of Google searching turned up. He replied the next day with a quote for something better and cheaper that would include all the necessary accessories.

Two weeks later, here I am: squeezing in a grateful blog post as I crank out designs for my first two nation-wide projects.

desk with big computer


If you are in Statesboro and looking for a new computer or tech accessories, head straight to Tech Corner on campus. They can’t be beat!

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