This is what love looks like 

When an acquaintance found out that I was starting a new graphic design business, she set me up with two projects. She wasn’t a business owner or a marketing manager, though, she was a mom. That’s ok, we do design for moms! The projects were to bring some ideas she had to life in order to protect and support her kids.

The first idea was to create some custom shirts for her family to wear in celebration of her son’s high school graduation. She told me how proud she was of him and how hard he worked to reach this milestone. It was a really fun project, and the shirts got a lot of use throughout graduation season!

The second idea was to create a window decal for her car to indicate the status of her two kids who were learning to drive. She said they were timid about driving in traffic, and an indication on the back of the vehicle would help them feel more confident. I thought it was a great idea, and I was happy to help.

As I finished up the work, I was struck they way these projects demonstrate the love of a mother who is tuned in to what her kids need. I can’t think of a better example of what it means to be a great mom!

A family of five wearing matching shirts

Megan affixes a decal to a car's back window


Squashing the Spread

Touchable Design’s first giveaway was a decal featuring a logo I created last summer. The logo was a pro bono project for a group I helped launch to combat COVID-19 in our community. We recently found ourselves in need of thank-you gifts for people choosing to get a COVID vaccine at our pop-up clinics. I got the word out to my local clients, Cork’s Popcorn and Cox Farms Peanut Brittle who were happy to contribute their delicious products, but I wanted to offer a little something from Touchable Design, too. Now, the 40 people we vaccinated will have a lasting reminder of the good they have done for their neighbors in Bulloch County, Georgia.

Selfie credit goes to Shari Barr, local city councilwoman and effective COVID-19 combatant.

Megan and friend at vaccine pop-up event

Logo stickers


Decal printed by Banner printed locally by Action Signs.

Not a Mac

My new computer arrived this week! I can now download my new software, set up my desk, and give Touchable Design a proper home.

This is a big step, guys. A computer with the capabilities I need is not cheap. And I’m not one of those graphic designers who leans into the ever-changing intricacies of the required tech. I went into this purchase not even sure what I should buy.

I have enough experience to understand that design does not equal mac anymore. In the interest of economical maintenance and limitless customization, I decided PC was the way to go. Experience has also taught me that a publication designer needs a large screen more than portability.

So, I knew I wanted a tower PC with a large monitor. The only other thing I knew was that I wanted to have it soon!

Fortunately, I have a friend who manages the local University tech store. I emailed him to get his opinion on the computer and peripherals that two hours of Google searching turned up. He replied the next day with a quote for something better and cheaper that would include all the necessary accessories.

Two weeks later, here I am: squeezing in a grateful blog post as I crank out designs for my first two nation-wide projects.

desk with big computer


If you are in Statesboro and looking for a new computer or tech accessories, head straight to Tech Corner on campus. They can’t be beat!

Modeling Professionalism

My friend and I used to watch “America’s Next Top Model,” a reality show starring Tyra Banks. It was an excuse to get together, and definitely not a way to gain useful knowledge for living in the real world.

Yet, I found myself identifying with Top Model contestants last week as I posed for Touchable Design head shots. I was trying to convey “I am a competent, trustworthy, fun professional who has a legit workspace in the United States.” But I was in an office that wasn’t set up yet after two of the most stressful weeks of my life. And we were in a rush due to my overscheduling.

Fortunately, I hired my former co-worker, Jeremy Wilburn, who is an exceptional artist and Photoshop magician. I haven’t seen the final product yet, but he already made me feel like a winner. Now if I can just win those contracts!

Megan sitting at desk laughing with eyes looking to the side

Megan posing with hand on hip outdoors

Photographer aiming camera at Megan with assistant holding light

Jason Hurst works the angles at a family photo shoot. That photo shoot was just after my office photo session with Jeremy Wilburn. Both photographers do excellent work.